Buying Swing: adding UPYNM 2X OVERSIZED at .90-1.05 area PAL

Here is where we post regarding stock picks on our swing trading ideas, from multi-day to multi-week both stock and option calls and puts, on the Nasdaq or NYSE.
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Buying Swing: adding UPYNM 2X OVERSIZED at .90-1.05 area PAL


Buying Swing: adding UPYNM 2X OVERSIZED at .90-1.05 area PALM 13 Feb puts . Since the open have been attempting to load up on the PALM puts as a hedge, so far have cleared less than half at .90-1.05 and she is up to 1.20s already. Will continue to accumulate these puts till the money allocations equal to al the AAPL stakes together equaling 3X OVERSIZED but without chasing the price to much. AAPL far away calls are bleeding premium fast but am considering looking to time a market bounce with a day trade perhaps on the 240 AJLBC AAPL calls as long as multiday direction o my formulas remain bullish. Considering adding the 240s here.