.buying swing +AJLKV at 2.30 area 2X OVERSIZED +AJLKY at .23

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.buying swing +AJLKV at 2.30 area 2X OVERSIZED +AJLKY at .23


.buying swing +AJLKV at 2.30 area 2X OVERSIZED +AJLKY at .23 area OVERSIZED ( +AJLKV = 210, +AJLKY = 230 Nov AAPL CALLS) . AAPL had phenomenal Es yesterday and today I was stunned to see little action in the AAPL calls had partly due to bad economic data. The 230 higher risk calls were down I am adding them also oversized but on these lower risk 210 calls im doubling this entry on the initial entry. I think a continued swing up is in the cards with these Es on AAPL and see this lack of build in premium on these options as a buying opportunity.