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Selling Swing: shorting AJLLV 4X OVERSIZED at .40 area AAPL

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:15 am
Selling Swing: shorting AJLLV 4X OVERSIZED at .40 area AAPL 210 Dec calls [selling to open] AAPL longs have worked out badly on the last few trades so here I am doubling the money allocation on the short side of AAPL 120 calls than I have long to not only erase loses on the +AJLLV calls but to also do so on the +AJLLY calls that dident work out either. other than that big smiles on the GLD puts as gold again gaps down . I now move even more bearishly. Placing mental stops not he short side of the +AJLLV play at .60 since the risk is very high obviously.