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Buying Swing: buying NFLX 165 calls weeklies at .90 -1.10 an

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:33 am
Buying Swing: buying NFLX 165 calls weeklies at .90 -1.10 and .76 and NFLX 170 weekly calls at .48-.46 areas the 165 is OVERSIZED and the 170 LARGE have cleared around 1/2 of the 170s will wait for more strength before accumulating the rest of the higher risk 170s. as I send this out NFLX is moving back down and my high risk calls are at a strong loss but believe she may be building to have a short covering rally today. So far this weekly positions are a losing play. Am still holding bearish Oct monthly positions at twice the money allocation puts.