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Buying Swing: buying swing AAPL 270 and 280 Sept calls OVERS

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:48 am
Buying Swing: buying swing AAPL 270 and 280 Sept calls OVERSIZED at 2.20 and .89 areas respectively . Still holding the AAPL 250 puts short that we shorted at 2.30 they are now .90 about 60% Pure profit so far they should go to zero if this swing takes hold might even add to the puts short. The market is weak today but I think its going to tern green but if this weakness continues and I see us tern already multiday bearish again then would quickly exit all the bullish plays. So far big smiles on RIMM we did great down and now the long 50 calls that have 2X OVERSIZED stake in with first entry at .82 are now 2.00 144% Profit and the 52.50s holding a LARGE stake after selling half of the oversized yesterday entered into at .19 now .50 163% profit . I would exit all these positions if the market docent build back up today into the green.