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Buying Swing: buying 885 900 915 cB a tight cal butterfly into tomorrow as a hedge on the HUGE bearish positioning I h

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:43 am
Buying Swing: buying 885 900 915 cB a tight cal butterfly into tomorrow as a hedge on the HUGE bearish positioning I have into the 850 area as a hedge. TSLA falling was always goign to be the path of highest profit for us strategically but 900 is a round number often seen on expiration days. Still believe the likelihood of 850 tomorrow area where or the fib at 856.71 is a highly likely final magnet , As we spike of yesturday we were to expect 1050 or 850 with a final push of momentum up or down into the monthly expiration.

This trade is one part of a larger strategy so please look back at Previous posts to see the whole picture. AND IF YOU ARE NEW, PAPER TRADE FOR AT LEAST A FEW MONTHS because this is ADVANCED OPTIONS TRADING !!