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Buying Swing: adding AAPL weekly 260 calls at 1.46 and 1.60

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:10 am
Buying Swing: adding AAPL weekly 260 calls at 1.46 and 1.60 OVERSIZED . this is an add to the calls last accumulated at 1.05 yesterday. Now am up to a 3X OVERSIZED position on slightly out of the money AAPL calls that expire tomorrow. Yesterdays add greatly helping and the short on 240 puts from initially 4.90 then added to at .20 yesterday are today .02 and moving towards total premium loss. Will be locking to covering the short on the 240 puts at .01 with now open orders and just about 100% profit fully making up for the losses on the 260 calls. will also look to accumulate some september AAPL calls.