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Buying Swing: covered short AAPL 240 puts at .01 from .73 10

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:40 pm
Buying Swing: covered short AAPL 240 puts at .01 from .73 100% profit. that was the 3x oversized puts short stake that was meant to erase the the losses on the 260 calls but the 260s were substantially reduced by yesterdays add and sell. So more profits. as far as TSLA 18 calls that we bought at .65 are now 2,75 but the spread is huge so I have decided to allow these calls to expire tern into stock then sell the stock, big smiles there about 330% pure profit. The AAPL 250 calls add is now losing money but am willing to hold her into the close strength should reemerge and if she docent cant win them all especially in high risk OE day. The 250 puts that am short are losing premium and should give us also 100% gain have sells waiting at .01 on them swell the shorts from 2.50. This is a month of smiles all in all.