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Selling Long Term: We feel that we no longer need such a st

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 10:11 am
Selling Long Term: We feel that we no longer need such a strong TSLA bearish protection, so we are turning the TSLA Dec 155 140 125 cOB into a 155 145 125 cB. This means were double shorting the 145 strike for december this time and covering the 140 half short leg we had before. this gives a 5 buck credit risk but still allows us 10 bucks from wing to body. Huge smiles on the TSLA strength )

This trade is one part of a larger strategy so please look back at Previous posts to see the whole picture. AND IF YOU ARE NEW, PAPER TRADE FOR AT LEAST A FEW MONTHS because this is ADVANCED OPTIONS TRADING !!