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.selling swing APVGI all at 2.25-.20 (368% PROFIT) AAPL 145

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:52 pm
.selling swing APVGI all at 2.25-.20 (368% PROFIT) AAPL 145 july calls. on my formulas multiday negatives are on the verge of clearing but INTC is making new day highs and the marker has held strong, but regardless wish to lock in these profits and if she builds and INTC leads tech higher dont mind reentering them higher. The strategy is to remove the risk now that thi month has already been so very profitable. Yesterdays 1/2 ell was at 410% profit todays at 368% profit from .48 lowest entry despite strength in tech its wisest now to remove risk and renter when this formula removes the risk. Huge enormous smiles to any and all who joined in this play $-). I am also considering locking in profits on the PALM +UPYSC puts .