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Buying Swing: buying AAPL stock OVERSIZED at 275.60 and AAPL

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:55 pm
Buying Swing: buying AAPL stock OVERSIZED at 275.60 and AAPL 310 July calls at .95-.98 OVERSIZED . AAPL is here breaking her day highs and this news today of the 3 millionth ipad sold already cupeled with the new upgrades and target raises 2 days before the iphone 4 release makes the AAPL case even more bullish as long as the market holds up. AAPL is up a lot and has not had a multiday pull back so the risk is great and the likelihood of 310 being reached before expiration is slim but as a multiday swing the risk is controlled but will be playing this positions by ear up here. So am ready to exit this position quickly if weakens reemerges. The AAPL stock position at OVERSIZED is equal to a 5X OVERSIZED money allocation of equivalent options position due to the lower volatility of stock vs option and lower risk as per sizing discipline.