Buying Long Term: Moved again long term bearish google by

(Long Term Positions) Here you find the big Idea stock picks, the holders, why how and when. You could argue the big money is in finding the big idea of tomorrow today before the market resizes it even exists, this is where I believe you can really turn money into wealth.
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Buying Long Term: Moved again long term bearish google by


Buying Long Term: Moved again long term bearish google by removing the GOOG March 2014 690 puts at 5.40-.60 . We still have the 700 puts long and thats a very large stake. A few weeks ago we shorted these 690 puts at 7.20 since we saw a short term uptrend, so here we lock in some profits as we move strongly bearish again. We are again moving towards a long Apple bearish Google strategy as we see a picture where Goggle has lower margins and may never be able to reach current evaluations very similar to what happened to MSFT in 2000. Again we have a target of 400 on GOOG . Apple on the other hand apple has the opposite story, where it has low evaluation and now new products that are setting it up for market share gains, after the iPhone almost doubled sales of last phone, we wish to be aggressive moving forward, and believe we can easily get a 100 point move within 2 months time , 600, and by end of next year our target is 700-900 long term.

This trade is one part of a larger strategy so please look back at Previous posts to see the whole picture. AND IF YOU ARE NEW, PAPER TRADE FOR AT LEAST A FEW MONTHS because this is ADVANCED OPTIONS TRADING !!