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Buying Swing: covering short all AAPL 280 June calls at 1.62

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 1:18 pm
Buying Swing: covering short all AAPL 280 June calls at 1.62-.65 on short from 2.40 then buying OVERSIZED AAPL 280 June calls at 1.67 area. big smiles to all who locked in profits on AAPL 270 calls yesterday then shorted the 280 calls at 2.40 to today cover the short at 1.62-.65. We had as expected a pull back that coursed strong premium erosion but now am using this erosion to renter the 280 calls long to in strategy make money both ways . So far i see only a small intraday positive on AAPL of a support level, I see no significant positives and multiday is far from switching positive down here. But the fact that we have on the 7th the apple event where apple will unveil its new iphone , I would imagine to see the buying begin without the ideal multiday pul back. Since going long early the risk is higher, and if she pulls back more will look to add another oversized position latter.