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Selling Swing: selling ALL OF AAPL 270 may calls at 5.45 280

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:07 pm
Selling Swing: selling ALL OF AAPL 270 may calls at 5.45 280 may calls at 2.50 and 290 calls at 1.05 areas respectively. and shorted AAPL 280 calls at 2.40-.30 2X OVERSIZED. Am here locking in profits on the 270 calls we entered into at 2.45 initially with well over 100% profits swell as taking some losses on the further out of the money calls 280s and 290s from yesterday. The strategy here is to move into naked shorts on calls for multiday negatives have cleared on my formulas on AAPL, and even if AAPL dose not retrace we should see fast options depreciation on the 280 calls. A 2x oversized 280 may AAPL short on calls is twice the size of my usual largest signal entry but its designed to quickly remove any losses on the 280 and 280 longs and and work towards gains .