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Buying Swing: buying GLD 158 weekly puts at .55 -.57 2x ove

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:43 pm
Buying Swing: buying GLD 158 weekly puts at .55 -.57 2x oversized and selling SPY 127 weekly puts at 1.40-.1.45 area from 1.17. the long on SPY 127 puts did there job and helped us hold trough a pull back but now am letting them go. Gold is getting close to the top of her trend lines so with to attempt some bearish stakes here on these very high risk this week expire puts where if we fell here they would move dramatically. We are at gold all time highs and close to long term upper trend lines so am taking a stab at it twice as aggressively as I usually enter in a single initial position. The markets are today close to the lower trend lines so if we do not soon see strength it could be very market bearish and the larger multi month direction would shift bearishly. But for now am attempting to position at these critical levels and one of the most significant technical levels of the day bullishly. If weakness reemerges would quickly renter those 127 SPY puts again if we again lose day lows. So again watching SPY closely if day lows are lost would renter SPY weekly puts same contract amount. Not going to fight the markets

This trade is one part of a larger strategy so please look back at Previous posts to see the whole picture. AND IF YOU ARE NEW, PAPER TRADE FOR AT LEAST A FEW MONTHS because this is ADVANCED OPTIONS TRADING !!