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Selling Swing: selling 1/2 AAPL 340 weekly puts at 1.15-.14

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:10 pm
Selling Swing: selling 1/2 AAPL 340 weekly puts at 1.15-.14 from .15 thats 667% or 11 X OVERSIZED PURE PROFITS Pure profit from that lowest entry. Yesterday we took a high risk position buy being and holding a 3x oversized strake on AAPL 340 calls meant for a day trade at .15 and .18-.19, but we also has a 2x oversized stake already from much higher buys at .53 and .81. So we net about 11 X OVERSIZED PURE PROFITS on only this 1/2 position that we have exited thus far . And mind you we still hold the full 335 weekly calls long. That is not including the 7x oversized profits we have already locked in on the shorts plus another 3.5x should be locked in today on shorts and we still have more longs to exit. Already locked in we have 18X OVERSIZED PROFITS and should see well north of 23X OVERSIZED profits by the end of the day on AAPL alone this week. Definitely one of the best weeks in a long time.

This trade is one part of a larger strategy so please look back at Previous posts to see the whole picture. AND IF YOU ARE NEW, PAPER TRADE FOR AT LEAST A FEW MONTHS because this is ADVANCED OPTIONS TRADING !!