Selling Swing: rolling over the long on GLD 149 weekly puts

Here is where we post regarding stock picks on our swing trading ideas, from multi-day to multi-week both stock and option calls and puts, on the Nasdaq or NYSE.
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Selling Swing: rolling over the long on GLD 149 weekly puts


Selling Swing: rolling over the long on GLD 149 weekly puts by selling them at 1.30-.19 area from .34 so 250% profit and buying the same contract amount down to GLD 146 weekly puts at .18 area. So we are locking in profits on the long on puts here but we still have a short on GLD 151 puts that have us bleeding bad. The strategy is to now have the profits locked in ad on a bounce let premium decay eat into losses to erase them. We already went long GLD 149 weekly calls so they should profit from a bounce here if it materializes and that position is only a day trade . all these expire tomorrow

This trade is one part of a larger strategy so please look back at Previous posts to see the whole picture. AND IF YOU ARE NEW, PAPER TRADE FOR AT LEAST A FEW MONTHS because this is ADVANCED OPTIONS TRADING !!