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Buying Swing: buying NFLX 250 calls at 2.17-.30 and selling

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:53 pm
Buying Swing: buying NFLX 250 calls at 2.17-.30 and selling NFLX 245 june calls at 1.16-.94 from .20-.34 . so up to 500% profit it erased fully the loss we had on the short on 250 puts from before. We are to close to expiration and ned to remove this risk even though earlier today this long was above 1.40s. NFLX is showing strength here but if it again starts pulling back then the next step in the bearish strategy will be to lock in profits on the short on 260 calls and adding that contract amount to the 255 calls short

This trade is one part of a larger strategy so please look back at Previous posts to see the whole picture. AND IF YOU ARE NEW, PAPER TRADE FOR AT LEAST A FEW MONTHS because this is ADVANCED OPTIONS TRADING !!