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Buying Swing: buying AAPL 350 weekly calls at .60 OVERSIZED

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:38 pm
Buying Swing: buying AAPL 350 weekly calls at .60 OVERSIZED also watching closely the AAPL 340 weekly puts for a short vertical trough 335 weekly puts. The short on puts we can wait for a day high pass before executing on. Initially wanted to enter the AAPL 350 weekly calls on a intraday pull back on AAPL but it never materialized, but if there was to be a pull back bellow 341 then would add another oversized stake to the 350 weekly calls. As mentioned last week AAPL is approaching the WWDC thats the world wide developer conference and now we know that steve jobs will be the keynote speaker. The WWDC is last few years the signal biggest event for AAPL and where it has in the past introduced new iphones though one is not expected this time, but perhaps we learn about there cloud plans. We will definitely see the next mac os and IOS os. Do not want to miss the bullish positioning but best case senerio would still be a shake towards 340 as to add to the long calls and short the 340 puts.