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Selling Swing: selling 1/2 NFLX 235 weekly calls at 7.72-7.2

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:05 am
Selling Swing: selling 1/2 NFLX 235 weekly calls at 7.72-7.20 from 2.71 184% PURE PROFIT from yesterdays entry. Yesterday when NFLX was at the day lows we went long on thinking that she could move back up to the 245 expiration magnet and today she is doing just that. We still should see still 100% gain on the shorts on 230 puts swell as the 250 calls and if this magnet is strong we should also see 100% gain on the 245 calls short but am considering a mental stop on the 245 weekly calls short at 1.00. if all works out well we will see an additional 2x on 250s 2x on 230s and 1x on 245s so a an additional 4X OVERSIZED PURE PROFIT when the strategy is said and done. But if NFLX runs and that 245 calls short is out of the picture then on day of expire today those 235 long calls can work as a unique profit leg on the remanning 1/2.