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/b Covering short on GOOG 570 April calls at .02-.05 from 1

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:03 pm
/b Covering short on GOOG 570 April calls at .02-.05 from 1.00 so 95% PURE PROFIT on the day trade $-) [BUYING TO CLOSE]. These calls are now well out of the money and the aggressive 2x OVERSIZED short at ope at 1.00 plus the 1x oversized add at .25 have paid off nicely as she sets of to expire worthless. Again this was a very high risk position but using after market and pre market resistance as a guideline for resistance worked out perfectly and helped erase some errors. On the day of expiration unique opportunities show themselves with huge volatility but as U get closer to expiration your precision has to be exact for the volatility can be tremendous and fast. big smiles on this one $-).