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.selling swing +APVFL 1/3 at .05 area AAPL 160 june calls

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:53 pm
.selling swing +APVFL 1/3 at .05 area AAPL 160 june calls. ok back to the LONG stake still remaining on +APVFL I am here selling 1/3 at .05 I divided the holding on +APVFL into 3 exits that I wanted .05 .06 , only .05 has filled fully. so now I remain with a 2/3 stake in the LONG calls position and 3/4 stake in the SHORT position. On the short position I wish to sell it at .02 and .01 so far none of it has cleared there . Shorting the calls has turned out to have saves what would of been a huge loss but now were slightly green on the strategy $-), hewww. If you are unable to short options or buy to close and sell to open opposite of your average options trade, then U probably dont have high enough options clearance and need to go to your broker and fill out more paperwork, this is the sort of trading U dont want to do lightly since like I explained on my last email, if not done correctly possibility of unlimited loss is very possible. if you have any questions about it just message me.