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Buying Swing: buying AAPL 260 April calls at .33-.35 OVERSIZ

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:33 pm
Buying Swing: buying AAPL 260 April calls at .33-.35 OVERSIZED. these are very high risk and way out of the money AAPL calls. After todays opening strength am here instead of adding back the 240 calls instead moving into these further out of the money calls as next week we shilled see premiums gain due to the approaching date of the Ipad release on april 3rd. The risk ofcorse here is of a market retrasement and if we get one will be further focusing on bearish bets on GOOG and AMZN. as I send out this email AAPL the calls are down to .30 , again there high risk high reward with no intention of holding into expiration.