Buying Swing: covering AAPL 230 calls at .01 from .41 at 98%

Here is where we post regarding stock picks on our swing trading ideas, from multi-day to multi-week both stock and option calls and puts, on the Nasdaq or NYSE.
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Buying Swing: covering AAPL 230 calls at .01 from .41 at 98%


Buying Swing: covering AAPL 230 calls at .01 from .41 at 98% profit . moving bearish on AAPL with not only the short on these 230 calls but also buying 230 puts plus the bearish bets on GOOG trough 570 puts working out well on the final day of expiration as goo comes out with news of closing biz in china and lower magnets have there pull . Big smiles one and all this is a great month for the options strategies we moved forward with. wins across the board. have not yet sold the puts on AAPL and GOOG.