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Buying Swing: covering short all AAPL 220 puts at .29-.30 [B

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:17 pm
Buying Swing: covering short all AAPL 220 puts at .29-.30 [BUYIGN TO CLOSE] from .80 64% profit . Here locking in the profits on the AAPL 2X OVERSIZED 220 puts short from yesterday . now AAPL is showing some bearish momentum despite market strength as we can see on our last bearish position on the 230 calls that are now losing premium as per premium loss strategy on that short. Oe of the questions asked of me in emails is weather trading increases as we approach expirations and the answer is an obvious yes since we can play the options depreciation on the final days of expiration especially when magnets struggle for control of the bigger cap heavy options stocks. the likelihood of AAPL moving all the way back to the 220 magnet is remote but its best to lock in the profits here either way.