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Buying Swing: buying AAPL 220 and 210 AAPL Feb Calls at 1.78

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:19 am
Buying Swing: buying AAPL 220 and 210 AAPL Feb Calls at 1.78 and .43 areas respectively. On my formulas multiday buy signals are on the verge of clearing on AAPL. Even though it has yet to clear if it dose it may cause a nice spike and these well out of the money calls should then gain premium rapidly. these are very aggressive positions , both high risk high reward but also serve as a hedge again on bearish bets . Also see a multiday positive direction shift on RIMM here. As far as gold as I said yesterday any bounces I believe to be bearish opportunities and this gold gap cover is no different. This gap cover may be a gift after the sharp pul back pre market gold.