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Buying Swing: adding swing SCO 16.75 OVERSIZED. Have been sp

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:41 am
Buying Swing: adding swing SCO 16.75 OVERSIZED. Have been spacing about keeping a close watch on OIL all day and SCO has a perfect golden cross the OIL ultrashort. This is my second add on SCO, first was at 13.05. Now am up to a 2X OVERSIZED stake, and as reference a oversized stock stake according to my sizing discipline is 5 times the size of a equivalent options stake. I have been bearish OIL and GOLD since there tops but this bearish pattern today is especially bearish for OIL. By the time I send this out SCO is spiking on the unique setup and is trading at 17.17 but I think this is but the beginning. big smiles to all who have focused bearish positions on OIL and GOLD.