Buying Swing: covering short GCZAJ at .95-.99 GLD 114 Jan CA

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Buying Swing: covering short GCZAJ at .95-.99 GLD 114 Jan CA


Buying Swing: covering short GCZAJ at .95-.99 GLD 114 Jan CALS [BUYING TO CLOSE] . on this one am taking a loss on a short from .60 here . GOLD is showing real strength and 114 is to close to in the money to risk despite the loss of premium on the final week into expirations. Cant win them all but will keep a close watch on GOLD. Watching AAPL closely to see if she can hold 209 today, she is down after a gap up, multiday direction still positive but at risk down here. very tempting to accumulate to the AJLBE AAPL 250 Feb calls that initially entered into friday. If 209 is lost then may exit them, but with market strength this should be her intraday lows before continuing the bullish swing.