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Buying Swing: covering short AJLAX at .39-.40 AAPL 220 Jan C

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:21 pm
Buying Swing: covering short AJLAX at .39-.40 AAPL 220 Jan Calls [BUYING TCLOSE] 72% PURE PROFIT from 1.40 on a huge 5X OVERSIZED STAKE. When we entered this naked short 3 days ago the end result did more than what was called for, big smiles. Now that I here see the possibility of bullish multiday move up on my formulas that are on the verge but have yet to clear wish to lock in the profits to control risk. big smiles. Am also watching AJLBE feb 250 AAPL calls and if AAPl passes day highs will move into these calls, well out of the money before AAPLS Es and her upcoming event . Now is AAPL moves again south and loses day lows then would renter the short on puts lower.