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Selling Swing: shorting GCZAJ at .60 area 2X OVERSIZED GLD 1

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:42 am
Selling Swing: shorting GCZAJ at .60 area 2X OVERSIZED GLD 114 Jan CALS [SELLING TO OPEN] yesterday we attempted to time a top on GOLD mutiday and we pretty much did but were stooped out on a tight stop on this high risk short, the 115 calls short and today am focusing on the 114 calls as the pull back that was expected to happen yesterday today how has begun . Mental stop on this position is to sell if GLD passes 11.30 as to control risk. Continuing to focus on premium loss as expirations dates near until the markets pick a more sustained direction. big smiles on the AAPL calls short, am considering locking in those profits if she AAPL passes day highs since the sheer size of the position has now done its job of loss eraser on bad long options calls and the less time were exposed to a options short of higher risk and exceptional size the better, today is the second day.