Selling Swing: shorting AAPL 240 puts at 4.90-.80 2X OVERSIZ

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Selling Swing: shorting AAPL 240 puts at 4.90-.80 2X OVERSIZ


Selling Swing: shorting AAPL 240 puts at 4.90-.80 2X OVERSIZED and buying AAPL 270 calls at 1.17 OVERSIZED this is ment for day trades and on my formulas multiday positives have cleared on AAPL ahead of todays Es. So am betting on a spike on AAPL from here into the close. It was a mistake not to load up calls this open at the tremendous options depreciation but now with that opportunity passed will focus on a short puts [sell to open] and long well out of the money calls. Weather or not will hold the 270 calls overnight have not decided yet but if the puts short is very profitable it may make a hold easier on the calls long side.

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