Buying Swing: buying back AAPL 260 july calls at .20 area 2X

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Buying Swing: buying back AAPL 260 july calls at .20 area 2X


Buying Swing: buying back AAPL 260 july calls at .20 area 2X OVERSIZED these are the same calls we sold yesterday .48-.45 . These options expire today and they are far out of the money so to say that there high risk is an understatement. The risk is very high so if U enter keep in mind 100% loss is very possible, as is strong gains. I think that AAPL will today during press conference perhaps offer free bumper cases to any new iphone buyers and the estimets on the cost of these cases is 2 bucks. Drop in the bucker for a phone that they make up to 700$ on per unit and should fully dispel any roomers of a recall .