.buying swing +RFYWJ at .36-39 area 2X OVERSIZED RIMM 50 Nov

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.buying swing +RFYWJ at .36-39 area 2X OVERSIZED RIMM 50 Nov


.buying swing +RFYWJ at .36-39 area 2X OVERSIZED RIMM 50 Nov puts, Today we had very bad employment data and we have the release of a much hyped Android Phone from Verizon . Much like the Palm Pre release that ended up being a failure and before that the RIMM storm release that also was a failure this is touted as an iphone killer. Now RIMM sells phones on the Verizon network unlike AAPL so they have more to lose from this product in direct competition to its offerings on the same carrier. i don't see customers dropping there iphone for this Droid os, frankly i like the interface of the Palm Pree much more though they are for now stuck with a much smaller carrier. Remember this is the final quarter where AAPL is bound to its agreement to only sell trough ATT, and the big driver of growth during the last quarter was mac sales.