Selling Swing: shorting AAPL 250 June puts at .81 area OVERS

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Selling Swing: shorting AAPL 250 June puts at .81 area OVERS


Selling Swing: shorting AAPL 250 June puts at .81 area OVERSIZED [SELLING TO OPEN] This is a bullish position on AAPL bearish on puts with these options expiring this friday we should see further rapid premium loss. there is considerable risk but I see it unlikely for a retrasement bellow 250 before expiration plus with some premium still here its easier to short these puts. Earlier today i attempted to accumulate a oversized position on FLSR 250 July calls but only cleared a medium size at 1.97-2.00. these calls have already moved up to 2.90 ask I did not send mail on it because did not clear fully, am still waiting for a shake to accumulate further to those calls since only 1/4 cleared so far. As mentioned in the room we should se a new push for cap and trade legislation and this would make solar companies much more viable. If such legislation was to pass it would be hard not to be immensely bullish the solars and all of the alt energy industry.