Buying Swing: adding AAPL 280 June calls at 1.52-.56 OVERSIZ

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Buying Swing: adding AAPL 280 June calls at 1.52-.56 OVERSIZ


Buying Swing: adding AAPL 280 June calls at 1.52-.56 OVERSIZED and AAPL 290 June calls at .60 area or bellow if she will give it. This doubles the money allocation to a 2X Oversized on the AAPL 280 June calls. As ai just explained in a room the reason why I am focusing on far out of the money June calls is for we should see a strong gap up monday , and as we approach the 1pm keynote that will unveil the next iphone, as we approach this time we should get a big perhaps exaggerated premium gain in the far out of the money calls. I will most likely sell all of the 290s and atlas 1/2 of the 280s. So far have only partially cleared on the 290 calls add. This will bring up my money allocate to a 4X oversized money allocation on the 280s and 290 junes combined.