Buying Swing: buying back AAPL 290 June calls at .65 OVERSIZ

Here is where we post regarding stock picks on our swing trading ideas, from multi-day to multi-week both stock and option calls and puts, on the Nasdaq or NYSE.
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Buying Swing: buying back AAPL 290 June calls at .65 OVERSIZ


Buying Swing: buying back AAPL 290 June calls at .65 OVERSIZED . Here on my formulas a significant intraday buy signal has now cleared on AAPL though multiday direction has not yet shifted up. Monday is the day of the steve jobs keynote and we should see a premium spike come next week on AAPL in anticipation to this event latter on in the trading day. By the way big smiles on the BP calls we entered no more than an hour ago , the 42.50 BP june calls at .79, these calls are now 1.20 so quickly within an hour approaching 100% pure profit . Ofcorse the risk here is that this new attempt fails like the last one did and that would again hurt us badly on options. Am considering working a strategy of locking in some profits on these calls tomorrow before the time indicated runs out to remove risk on BP calls and ride the free money the rest of the way.