.covering short +IKGVK at .45 area AIG 37 puts , 50% profit

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.covering short +IKGVK at .45 area AIG 37 puts , 50% profit


.covering short +IKGVK at .45 area AIG 37 puts , 50% profit from .89 2 days ago $-) This short on puts greatly reduced the losses on the long puts play and did so quickly. We are on the verge of multiday negatives on AAPL here but it has not yet cleared, if strength dose reemerge at the close then I would short again this position even if she is lower.here have to be careful doe to the unlimited loss potential, if strength reemerges I might not position in the shorts again but focus in calls, have not yet decided. I am holding the long puts position only now.