Selling Swing: shorting NFLX 290 weekly puts at 1.40-1.28 v

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Selling Swing: shorting NFLX 290 weekly puts at 1.40-1.28 v


Selling Swing: shorting NFLX 290 weekly puts at 1.40-1.28 vertical tough NFLX 280 weekly puts at .25 area OVERSIZED the spread. NFLX has shown a new all time high today and now this pull back brings about a short on puts opportunity so pulling the trigger here to play premium depreciation further. big smiles today AAPL 360 weekly calls from yesterday moving towards 200% profit as we approach the 360 line. If we pass 360 on a wendsday on OE week then a move towards all time highs is possible into friday expiration only 5 bucks higher. 360 critical point for AAPL to pass one to watch closely for the earnings are not till next week and tomorrow we should see new computers and launch of the new operating system for the computer space.

This trade is one part of a larger strategy so please look back at Previous posts to see the whole picture. AND IF YOU ARE NEW, PAPER TRADE FOR AT LEAST A FEW MONTHS because this is ADVANCED OPTIONS TRADING !!