Selling Swing: shorting 2X OVERSIZED AAPL 250 April calls at

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Selling Swing: shorting 2X OVERSIZED AAPL 250 April calls at


Selling Swing: shorting 2X OVERSIZED AAPL 250 April calls at .86 . After exiting the more risky 240 calls short flat am here moving the short into the further out of the money 250 calls that have high premium on a day When AAPL again reaches new all time highs. Even if AAPL gains into monday the premium should be reduced greatly and moor evilly we should have a slight sell the news reaction that could dramatically depreciate these calls. This is all time highs on the last day before a product that is to be released with extraordinary expectations baked in so the slightest down move would yield a over weekend depreciation of 70%. This just simply moves the short on calls into less risky territory something easy to do on an all time high like this but still obviously a contrarian move.