Buying Swing: buying PALM stock at 6.04-.07 OVERSIZED and ad

Here is where we post regarding stock picks on our swing trading ideas, from multi-day to multi-week both stock and option calls and puts, on the Nasdaq or NYSE.
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Buying Swing: buying PALM stock at 6.04-.07 OVERSIZED and ad


Buying Swing: buying PALM stock at 6.04-.07 OVERSIZED and adding PALM 7 Mar calls at .16-.18 OVERSIZED. This is my reentry into a stock position in PALM for a much needed snap back up that could be very strong due to hugely oversold levels. multiday target 8.00 . As for as options am adding at .16 to the higher calls position from .21 that lost premium bringing down the average. A sharp and strong multiday bounce shuld show itself, on my formulas multiday buy signals have now cleared.