Selling Swing: UNBOXING bearishly QZNLH at .23 and GCZLH at

Here is where we post regarding stock picks on our swing trading ideas, from multi-day to multi-week both stock and option calls and puts, on the Nasdaq or NYSE.
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Selling Swing: UNBOXING bearishly QZNLH at .23 and GCZLH at


Selling Swing: UNBOXING bearishly QZNLH at .23 and GCZLH at .27 area. [AMZN 140 calls and GLD 112 calls Dec] We had last week boxed in these positions and here are unboxing them much lower but with no loss during the pull back bearishly by holding the the short positions and selling the long positions. by expiration I expect GLD calls and AMZN calls to expire at zero come friday. Sorry for the delayed email and board post, the AMZn calls are already down to .18 .