Buying Long Term: LONG TERM STRATEGY into Jan 2014 on AAPL

(Long Term Positions) Here you find the big Idea stock picks, the holders, why how and when. You could argue the big money is in finding the big idea of tomorrow today before the market resizes it even exists, this is where I believe you can really turn money into wealth.
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Buying Long Term: LONG TERM STRATEGY into Jan 2014 on AAPL


Buying Long Term: LONG TERM STRATEGY into Jan 2014 on AAPL both a BUTTERFLY and a DEBIT inside the butterfly.
1) butterfly with 500 525 and 555 legs about 1.50 spread area OVERSIZED, 1600% max profit.
This way into the 525 and 530 resistance areas we have max profit. but on top of that we wish to add a
2) debit spread also for Jan 545 cDS thats 545 long 550 short at .60 spread area OVERSIZED, 833% max profit.
What that last play dose is protect us against continuation bullish move, and since we already have April 580s if we start moving to those levels then april would kick in strongly bullishly.

This trade is one part of a larger strategy so please look back at Previous posts to see the whole picture. AND IF YOU ARE NEW, PAPER TRADE FOR AT LEAST A FEW MONTHS because this is ADVANCED OPTIONS TRADING !!