Selling Swing: shorting AAPL 345 puts at 2.00-1.80 and 1.68

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Selling Swing: shorting AAPL 345 puts at 2.00-1.80 and 1.68


Selling Swing: shorting AAPL 345 puts at 2.00-1.80 and 1.68 3X OVERSIZED this is 3 times my usual largest single entry for think AAPL is bottoming. This is ment to erase the losses on yesterdays 355 calls entries and the 360 calls. and mind you we shorted these puts before so now up to a huge 5X OVERSIZED short on the AAPL 345 puts the earlier shorts were at 1,80 area so am taking a huge position Enormous bet on this being the bounce point for the week. Also the add on the 205 weekly NFLX calls today from .35 are not 1.06 so moving towards 200% gain on the day trade , we did well to go bullish NFLX one the multiday buy signals cleared . Made great dinero bearish NFLX and now doing so bullishly.