Buying Swing: buying AAPL 355 weekly calls at 1.20-.30 OVERS

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Buying Swing: buying AAPL 355 weekly calls at 1.20-.30 OVERS


Buying Swing: buying AAPL 355 weekly calls at 1.20-.30 OVERSIZED and stooped out of the NFLX 205 calls. Using the pull back on AAPL to position on some close to the money but still high risk weekly calls that can easily go in the money on a bounce, rather add a bullish stake on AAPL to protect the bearish stake on NFLX agains a move up in tech. To see weakness on FNLX was the best case senerio so even though there was a strong loss on the 205 NFLX weekly puts it was a hedge on the 195 weekly puts that are still above 300% gain and a continuation tomorrow would bring us back above home run territory.